Monday, May 26, 2008

more colors aka kulay

Well here are some more colors that i made over the weekend.
I could have made more but I was watching my nieces for the weekend. Which was great cos not only are they a riot but I also got a chance to test out the blog on them. As i figured they weren't really that into the numbers. I should have given the links thumbnails to entice them with pictures. The colors on the other hand were great. they had fun learning the new names and the pictures helped them associate the actual color with the new vocab. Although, I doubt they would have learned any of it without my guidance. Which is really a knock on my blog rather than them because they are little geniuses =)

Thus I had just installed more RAM on my computer and installed Dreamweaver today. Hopefully sometime this month i can learn how to make a website that would be more interactive than a simple blog. The more the kids can interact, the better. but for now a simple blog will have to do... but they did learn from it so as far as I know I'm on the right track.

(click the image to see a larger version)

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