Monday, June 30, 2008

Filipino Alphabet Coloring Pages pt 3

(please click the thumbnails for the larger printable version)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Filipino Alphabet Coloring Pages pt 2

(please click the thumbnails for the larger printable version)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Filipino Alphabet Coloring Pages

Hey there,

It's been awhile since the last post, i know, but here today is the first installment of the Philippine Alphabet Coloring Book! Woo Woo! So yes let me know what you think. Like I mentioned before, this blog is just the start of this endeavor. I hope to have a more sophisticated way of offering all of the Filipino educational tools to all of you Fil-Am parents down the line with an actual website. Oh and I just got my little sister to agree to do audio for the website! This will be great because there is only so much of pronunciation you can communicate through text. It's just easier to learn through audio and video. Until then here is the start of the A Ba Ka Da (the traditional Philippine Alphabet) I chose this version even though it is not today's standard in the Philippines it is more cultural and interesting. Today's Filipino Alphabet is basically the same as the Western English Alphabet. So I thought why not go deeper than that and use the A Ba Ka Da instead. hmmmmm... i guess thats why they call it getting in touch with your roots :)

( these are just thumbnails. please click the pics to get the larger printable version)